Monday, April 5, 2010

napowrimo #5 My Tiny Dancer

My mind has a Tiny Dancer
forever floating 'round my dome.
Blushing, smitten by this prancer
my shy words leave their home.

She twinkles beneath Courage,
dancing "Go this way! Be Free!"
as she spins away Discourage;
floating my words to Liberty.

While my words go sailing away
bravely twirling into rhymes,
the Tiny Dancer's gentle sway
guides them into steady lines.

Once free, my words so rarely look back from where they came.
But the Tiny Dancer asks no thanks, she dances just the same.


  1. Sarah,
    Good one! But now I have the song by Elton John in my head "Tiny Dancer"

  2. those are such goodvibe words... courage liberty freedom... and then " once free..never looks back.." absolutely... great response to day 5!!! file and forget
