Thursday, April 1, 2010

napowrimo #1

I've been storming down Thunder Road,
torn between Love and Liberty;
Decisions made would lighten my load -
or would they? Oh lonesome me.

Drops of Jupiter mingle with the rain
flooding more than just my view.
Liberty drowns with no ground to gain
So, Yes. I will always love you.


  1. This was written to the napowrimo prompt "Shuffle a Poem" and the following song titles were used:

    "I Will Always Love You" (Dolly Parton)

    "Oh Lonesome Me" (Hank Williams Sr.)

    "Love and Liberty" (Gipsy Kings)

    "Drops of Jupiter" (Train)

    "Thunder Road" (Bruce Springsteen)

  2. Enjoyed reading this outloud. Love vs. liberty, been there :).

