Friday, April 16, 2010

NaPoWriMo #16 What a Magical Morning Smells Like

I wake early in the morning,
sitting up slowly in my tent
with my sleeping bag bunched
around me. Awoken by scent.

Hugging all my warmth to me,
I stick my head out the flap
of my tent and listen to the
water's distant gentle slap

against the shore. Breathing
deeply I inhale the new day:
the smells of the fir trees
and fresh air bid me to wake.

A mossy boulder shyly invites
me to watch the breeze play -
blowing wrinkles across the
glassy lake's peaceful face.

Mornings in the wilderness
are a gift I'd never trade,
for the air reeks of magic
and the smell never fades.

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